Layla Luna: Trips to Dream Space
October 3 – October 26, 2019
Reception: October 17, 2019, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Art Room presents Trips to Dream Space, a colorful and reminiscent series of artwork created by Glen Rose-based artist Layla Luna. This contemporary exhibition includes a series of landscape paintings alongside hand-written stories that incorporates memories with imagination to form unreal, unique spaces. The show runs October 3 through October 26, 2019.
Luna writes, “She was especially fond of the green and blue-hued photos in her mountain postcard collection. As she spread them across the blanket, she smiled and thought how much they looked like little pieces from her grandmother's porcelain tea set.”
Through the use of recollection and her perception of the world around her, Layla Luna visualizes unfamiliar landscapes and experiences in her captivating series of works. She introduces the viewer to personal memories married with invented terrains. Luna uses her experiences of “thumbing through old photos and travel magazines,” along with vivid, playful brush strokes and written word to tell her stories.
Art Room is open to the public and will host a reception for Trips to Dream Space on October 17, 2019.
About the Artist
Luna was born in Fort Worth, Texas in 1975. She received an MFA in Painting from Texas Christian University in 2016 and a BFA in Painting from Arizona State University in 2008. She studied at Massey University in Wellington, New Zealand where she obtained a Postgraduate Diploma in Fine Art in 2011. Artist-in-residence programs around the country have played a large role in feeding her need to explore and make work in new environments. Currently Luna resides in Glen Rose, Texas with Abi, the world’s greatest dog.
A defining aspect of Layla Luna’s studio practice is making work in series. Each body of work may differ from one to the next in regard to materials used and specific themes, but two reoccurring interests serve as a common link: our interaction with nature and the attachments we place on objects, spaces, and architecture. The idea of home, as well as its physical structure, has come to embody these interests.